
Source code of "Bolaz" HTML5 game

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Source code of "Bolaz" HTML5 game

4 ratings

Source code of Bolaz HTML5 game powered by Phaser and written in TypeScript.

Bolaz is my take on "Ballz" game published by Ketchapp, an addictive breakout-like. I added double and quadruple sized blocks to make the game more interesting.

You can play the game at this link. It's built to work both in portrait and landscape mode.

By getting this game, you will learn how to:

  • Install a webpack Phaser project with all dependencies. Do not what I am talking about? There's a free guide to get you started.
  • Create a Phaser project.
  • Scale and resize the game to fit both in portrait and in landscape mode.
  • Preload graphics, sounds and all needed assets, showing a loading bar.
  • Create multiple scenes.
  • Build custom classes.
  • Use bitmap fonts.
  • Use tilesprites to fake endless scrolling backgrounds.
  • Use nine slices to seamlessy create big images.
  • Place sprites on the screen.
  • Work with Arcade Physics
  • Move and transform sprites using tweens.
  • Wait for player input and handle it.
  • Play sounds.
  • Load and save high scores locally.

Note: this is game 002 of the 101 games challenge.

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